Code-Switching and Achieving Understanding in Court Sessions


  • Ekaterina Rudneva St Petersburg State University; Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS Автор
  • Ekaterina Troshchenkova St Petersburg State University Автор



conversation analysis, courtroom interaction, legal discourse, intralingual interpreting, achieving understanding


The article analyzes extracts from video recordings of court sessions in Russian, where one of the participants demonstrated misunderstanding. The main method of working with the data is conversion analysis. The focus is on the interaction between specialists (a judge or a lawyer) and non-specialists (a defendant or a victim), namely the functions and mechanisms of code switching from official legal language to everyday colloquial language and vice versa. Such code switches are interpreted as a kind of intralingual translation, which is conceptualized in terms of a) linguistic aspects of simplification of the complex information, b) status-role functions of interaction between participants and conditions of institutional communication, c) differences in the way systems of professional and lay knowledge are organized. Through switching between the official and the colloquial codes during the hearing a specialist can accomplish various actions: find out the true intentions of the interlocutor; monitor the interlocutor’s reaction to his speech, regulating the degree of its formality; check the achieved degree of consistency; encourage the layman interlocutor or reformulate his words using the legal terms. The analysis reveals a number of strategies of varying degrees of complexity and intentionality for restoring understanding, which can be achieved on a technical or on a deeper level.




How to Cite

Code-Switching and Achieving Understanding in Court Sessions. (2024). Antropologicheskij Forum Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 61, 79–105.