A Review of E. D. Bondarenko, Naivnaya lingvistika i dialektnoe yazykovoe soznanie [“Naive Linguistics”and Dialect Consciousness]. Moscow: Indrik, 2021, 584 pp.


  • Vlada Baranova Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS Автор




folk linguistics, naive linguistics, dialectology, nonprofessional dictionaries


The book is based on an analysis of metalinguistic comments by native speakers of different dialects. These remarks concern both self-descriptions and the language of neighbors. The approach is relatively new for Russian dialectology: folk linguists’ perceptions of dialectal variation have not been considered before. The study provides the first systematic description of beliefs about Russian dialects and includes a large volume of new field data. It can provide important insights on speaker opinions and attitudes about language and the constructions of local identity.




How to Cite

A Review of E. D. Bondarenko, Naivnaya lingvistika i dialektnoe yazykovoe soznanie [“Naive Linguistics”and Dialect Consciousness]. Moscow: Indrik, 2021, 584 pp. (2022). Antropologicheskij Forum Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 52, 250–256. https://doi.org/10.31250/1815-8870-2022-18-52-250-256