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Author Guidelines


The journal will consider for publication previously unpublished works in the fields of Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography, Sociolinguistics and Folkloristics. Such submissions (articles, fieldwork reports, reviews) may be in Russian, English, French, or German, and should not have been previously published in any language. Since the journal describes itself as a forum, preference will be given to articles that are discussion based. The following will not be considered for publication:

-        Theoretical articles that are not based on empirical research.

-        Reviews of conferences that summarise the content of presentations. The journal only publishes discussion based reviews that consider an academic event from the perspective of its role in its academic field.

-        Book reviews that consist mainly of paraphrasing the work in question. Preference is given to reviews that share constructive criticism.

The journal is prepared to accept thematic clusters of 3–5 articles on related subjects, which may be proposed by an overall editor or the authors of the articles. The articles proposed for such clusters are subject to the same criteria of acceptance and the same reviewing process as other submissions to the journal. The cluster must include an introduction in which the editor(s) of the submission set out the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological problems addressed in the compilation (it should not be simply a summary of the contents).

By submitting their work to the journal, authors guarantee that it has not been published elsewhere (including on the Internet), and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must also refrain from publishing any text submitted for publication in this journal until the reviewing process is complete. Articles and reviews accepted for publication may be placed on personal websites etc. only after they have appeared in the journal, and only with due acknowledgement of the original publication in Antropologicheskij forum / Forum for Anthropology and Culture

By authorizing the final version of the paper (proofs) the author automatically signs a contract with the journal Antropologicheskij forum / Forum for Anthropology and Culture (henceforth AF). The contract includes delegating the rights for the paper to the journal, and implies that the author agrees to the following:

-       that the paper will be published in the printed version of the journal as well as posted to the open access site of AF according to the license Creative Commons BY; this means that any republication of the paper is possible only with reference to the first publication in AF;

-       that the electronic version of the paper published by AF will be posted to the open access site of electronic library "Kiberleninka" according to the license Creative Commons BY.

The Editorial Board of Antropologicheskij forum/Forum for Anthropology and Culture reserves the right to select articles (and other published materials, e.g. reviews) for publication in our English-language annual, Forum for Anthropology and Culture. Authors whose articles are selected for inclusion will be informed by the Board of its decision. Authors who do not wish their articles to be included in Forum for Anthropology and Culture should inform the Editorial Board of their decision without delay. As with articles and other materials published in Russian, the rights to publications in English remain with the journal, and are subject to the same rules about republication as are publications in Antropologicheskij forum. No subventions are required for publication in the journal or for translation.

Texts may be sent by e-mail to or submitted on a diskette/CD in IBM PC format.


The following information must be provided for publication:

-        Full name of each author

-        Place of employment / study

-        Email address

-        Transliteration of the author’s full name in Roman letters (if the name is in Cyrillic)

-        Title and address of the institution where the author studies or works (in English)

-        Translation of the article title (in English)

-        Abstract of the article in Russian and in English (150–250 words each). The abstract should reflect the main content of the article and should be informative (not just general words), structured (include goals and aims, methods, results, and conclusions), and cohesive (use logical transitions). Footnotes and abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.

-        English translation of the bibliography (without transliterations of Russian titles). If Russian translations of publications originally written in English are being cited, then the original must be cited in the English language abstract.


Formatting Requirements:

-        Articles should not be longer than 9,000 words (60,000 characters with spaces) for articles or 3,000 words (20,000 characters with spaces) for reviews.

-        The preferred word processor is Microsoft Word. The article should be in Times New Roman font, 12 point, one and a half spaced throughout (including quotations, references, and notes). Non-standard fonts must be attached on a diskette or sent by e-mail.

-        References to publications should be made in-text, according to the author-date system (placed within square brackets): [Black 1999: 28]. For archival sources: [GAVO. F. 247. Op. 1. D. 408. L. 2–4].

-        Explanatory notes (elucidations and additions to the main text) should appear as footnotes, numbered consecutively. References to publications in the footnotes should be presented in the same way as in the main text.

-        A bibliography in alphabetical order must be attached to the article. Archival sources are listed separately and should indicate the document title and year.



Archival materials

GAVO. F. 247. Op. 1. D. 408. O voprosakh, rassmatrivaemykh na sel’skikh skhodakh po Dvinitskoi volosti. 1901 g. [Matters Discussed at the Village Assemblies for Dvinitskaya Volost, 1901].


Jones W., Ojibwa Texts. New York: G. E. Stechert & Co., 1919, 777 pp.


Dikova M. ‘The Archaeology of Ushki Lake, Kamchatka, and the Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas’, Science, 2003, vol. 301, pp. 501–505.

Chapters in books

Hessler J., ‘Cultured Trade: The Stalinist Turn towards Consumerism’, Fitzpatrick S. (ed.), Stalinism: New Directions. London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 182–209.

Non-English sources

Baranov D. A., ‘Этнографический музей и “рационализация системы”’ [The Ethnographic Museum and the “Rationalisation of the System”], Этнографическое обозрение, 2010, no. 4, pp. 26–43. (In Russian).

Durkheim d’É., Les règles de la méthode sociologique. 1e édition. Paris: Les Presses universitaires de France, 1967, 149 pp.

Kosheleva О. Ye., Люди Санкт-Петербургского острова Петровского времени [People of St Petersburg Island during the Time of Peter the Great]. Moscow: OGI, 2004, 486 pp. (In Russian).

Sokolovsky S. V., ‘Автоэтнография и антропологические исследования науки’ [Autoethnography and Anthropological Studies of Science], Антропология академической жизни [Anthropology of the Academic Life]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Press, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 24–42. (In Russian).

All abbreviations should be written out in a separate list at the end of the article.

All illustrative material should be submitted in its original format (if submitted by post, no Xerox copies, please). The illustrations should be labeled on the reverse side with the author’s name, the title of the article, and the number of the picture. If the illustrations are in electronic form (*jpg, *tiff, resolution no less than 300 dpi), then the file numbers should correspond to the in-text numeration of the illustrations. A list of illustrations with their full captions should be provided with the article. Audio and video materials can be submitted in mp3 and avi format respectively.

All articles submitted to the editorial board will be subject to peer review. The general editor will choose a reader with the approval of the members of the editorial board. The reader will be chosen based on their expertise in the field of the material to be reviewed, and their publications on the topic in recent years. Readers are not compensated monetarily for reviewing articles.

The editorial board asks readers to send their reviews within a month after receiving the article for peer review. Articles are sent to the readers anonymously (without indicating the author’s name).


Reviews will evaluate the following:

-        originality of the research question

-        depth of the research material

-        author’s knowledge of the necessary theoretical and methodological context

-        cogency of the author’s arguments and reflections

-        logic of the narrative sequence and flow

Regardless of the character of the review, it should be written in a considerate manner and contain constructive criticism for the author on how to improve their research.

All articles submitted to the editorial board will be subject to double-blind peer-review. The general editor, with the approval of the editorial board, will make the decision whether to publish the article, send it back to the author for further revision, or reject it. Negative reviews must be sent to the authors. Reviews are sent anonymously (without indicating the reader’s name). The time provided to the author to revise the article after peer review should be negotiated with the general editor.

The reviews are kept at the editorial board for five years. Copies of reviews will be sent to the Russian Federal Ministry of Education and Science upon request.

Editorial Office of the Journal Forum for Anthropology and Culture:
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences
3, Universitetskaya nab., 199034, St Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 386-76-36

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.