Afterword to an Unpublished Forum


  • Ekaterina Melnikova European University at St Petersburg Автор
  • Zinaida Vasilyeva Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Автор


Ключевые слова:

professional language, silence, public dumbness, transformation of professional communities


The questions in the fifty-sixth issue of Antropologicheskij forum addressed the changes that have taken place in our lives and work over the past year. By focusing on the concept of “boundaries”, the editors invited the authors to reflect on the changes that are occurring today in our professional practices, in the field, and in our understanding of the profession. The Forum was meant to be a platform for dialogue between people not only divided, but still united by boundaries — disciplinary, epistemic, value-based, etc. The variety of responses and reactions received, and the sharpness and emotionality of many remarks faced the editors with a difficult choice. Finally, we made the decision not to publish the materials of the ‘Social Sciences and Boundaries’ Forum in the journal. In our ‘Afterword to an Unpublished Forum’ we discuss topics that have become key today: silence, public dumbness, attempts to overcome them, and the search for new ways to talk about modernity in the social sciences in Russia and about Russia today.







Как цитировать

Afterword to an Unpublished Forum. (2023). Антропологический форум Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 19, 19–28.